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CEQA / Environmental Documents


UC Merced Medical Education Building Project

The proposed project is the construction and occupancy of a new academic building on the UC Merced campus and associated electrical and storm water infrastructure improvements. The project-level EIR for this proposed project tiers from and incorporates by reference the 2020 LRDP SEIR and the 2009 LRDP EIS/EIR under the tiering provisions of CEQA. Both EIRs are available on UC Merced’s planning website LRDP 
8. NOP

Field Education Center

UC Merced/Merced Community College "Promise" Intersegmental Student Housing

UC Merced Experimental Smart Farm

1. Addendum No. 1 to the 2020 LRDP EIR (Experimental Smart Farm Project EIR Addendum)

2. Experimental Smart Farm Project Findings


UC Merced Downtown Center Project

 Final Initial Study and Mitigated Negative Declaration

Appendix A, B, C, D

Appendix E, F, G, H, I